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A workspace is the virtual environment that supports construction-specific processes and the structured execution of projects. Another term for this is CDE (Common Data Environment), which on the one hand refers to central data storage and management, and on the other hand also to the associated tools for project-related collaboration and the associated processes. In other words, everything that promotes, structures, documents and facilitates communication and collaboration between project participants. The use of a workspace also ensures that project participants adhere to pre-defined processes.

A workspace promotes, structures and documents communication and collaboration between all project participants.

While at the beginning of digitization, the focus was mainly on the use as a plan server, nowadays modules that support users in process-based tasks, such as defect management or the various approval workflows, are used increasingly.

As a private cloud solution, our workspaces can be used independently of time and location. Because of central storage, all database entries are always up-to-date. Via the history function, changes and additions can be documented and retrieved comprehensibly and at any time. Important data is also available offline via our apps (for Android and iOS), and plans and contact information can be stored directly on your end device.


Workspace start page in the poolarPROJECT app for iOS

Workspace start page in the poolarPROJECT app for Android



Classic workspace start page with project visualization

Workspace start page with dashboard view of current tasks